Happy Canada-versary!

It’s been an odd year for many with lockdowns, remote schooling, working from home and cancelled holidays and family reunions but with all of the craziness going on it is hard to believe my family landed in Canada only a year ago. Sometimes it feels just like yesterday that we were packing up our house and saying goodbyes, other days routines and familiar faces here make it seem like we have been here much longer.

With the sun shining I thought rather than the dog park after school drop off it would be nice to go for a walk along Lake Ontario to mark our one year anniversary of arriving in Canada. Driving around town you can often catch a glimpse of the lake at the end of roads between buildings but like many things in life we don’t always make time to enjoy what’s on our doorstop and seek adventure further afield.

Once out of the car and down by the water with the sun on my face and the water lapping up against the pebbles I feel like I’m on a mini-break from the norm as there are only a few others indulging in the lakeside trail.

The colours along the water’s edge and at the lookout point are so vibrant it feels almost tropical…

However, in the distance along the lake you can see the Toronto skyline, a reminder that I have the best of both worlds…just a 40min drive (in good traffic) I can be amongst the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto or enjoying the tranquility of suburbia with my boy.

My Portie enjoying the sunshine too

The only problem is when you have a water dog that wants to jump in the water from the dock (unfortunately they’re not allowed off leash here) and you almost go in for a morning dip!

So far Canada has treated us well and I look forward to many more adventures here with my hubby, Little Miss and portie because “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Life sometimes takes us on unexpected adventures and challenges but it’s important to embrace them and make the most of every opportunity.

Categories: Expat Life, Greater Toronto Area, Outdoor Life, TravelTags: , , , , , ,

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