Time to make a wish…

It’s July 7th again, which is Tanabata, so time to make a wish. I’m sure many people have been wishing to see their family, friends and for life to return to normal after months of social distancing, so here’s to all of the wishes made coming true.

Back in the UK the bamboo in our old garden was overgrown and perfect for hanging out paper chains and wishes, however, here in Canada we have had to make do with the fake bamboo I purchased before we packed up and left our home and friends in Tokyo for the UK almost 4 years ago.

If you havent heard of Tanabata before then take a moment to make a wish, here are ours, Little Miss even writes one on behalf of the dog which is usually food orientated…

For those of you that have read my blog before you’ll know how I love any excuse to eat cakes and today is no exception, so my little helper and I made our favourite chocolate cupcakes and decorated them with Tanabata decorations. Giving Little Miss the chance to paint her stars I’m happy to report the food colouring went where it was intended and the kitchen isn’t newly decorated too.

I hope wherever you are that you are keeping safe and well, and that your Tanabata wish comes true.

Categories: Culture, Family Life, Food & DrinkTags: , , ,

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